Monday, June 29, 2009


Another case of funny spot and my to slow with the camera, this is the fold of the easel.


First there were two wet little boys eating donuts on the steps, then there were three plus a dog, then there were four happy little messy wet boys all ready for a bath.

Do a double take, those aren't my kids climbing over Aaron on the hammock. It is Wyatt and Henry.

Fun with the sprinkler in our back yard.

At the wading pool where a couple of girls taught my guys how to be starfish.

Greg at the Car Show.

Driving at the park.

Painting rocks for dads day gift.

Watching the Tater Daze Parade.


Jeffrey was hiding in this little shelf, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera.

Being silly with cinnamon rolls.

A bubble bath at Grandma Shirley's house.

Dress up at with Julia and Silas.

Exercise is essential, but there is no boo boo under the bandaid.

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