Sunday, September 30, 2007


Hello Little Brother

No more baby in mama's tummy!

Jeffrey Trevor was born Wednesday September 26th at 2:58 in the afternoon. He was 7 pounds 14 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long.

He is doing well and so is mama. It is hard having a new baby around, he is always drinking from mama's boob. He does make cute noises and everything about him is so little and easy to squash. Jeffrey is not very interested in toys or even scrambled eggs yet. Daddy will be home for a week while we get used to our busy life.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Looking Cute

Happy 2nd Birthday Greg!
Thank You to everyone for all the cards and gifts.

Blowing out candles is fun and so is showing the Great Grandmas how to use a Magna Doodle.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Greg is showing me his cold face even though it is 84 degrees out. He loves showing Sammy how he can ride the scooter, but won't give her a chance to try.

Greg and Sammy are all ready to go swimming, but neither one did more than play with the water.

Greg taking a bath with Wende's boys; Henry far left and Wyatt next to Greg.

Sad Greg when he wasn't feeling well.

Happy Greg with a cardboard hat and M&M drool.

Against my better judgement I decided to take Greg to the rides at Como Park. He had a great time on many of them and seemed queasy after the spinning teacup. Here are a couple examples of my joyrider and serious driver.


Tasting a green magic marker, eventually he chewed the tip right off.

The "Little Farmer" at the State Fair.

In the Butterfly Garden at the Fair, Greg still talks about the butterfly on his hat.

Almost two and already drawing 'fish' on the wall.

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