Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I miss you Auntie Boo!
We added a link to Brenda's blog coming from Thailand.


Here is a link to Greg's pictures from JC Penney's.

Use customer name Amanda Suer to get in and browse. We liked to ones in shorts, but pretty disappointed in the formal ones. What do you think?

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Andy brought Brenda's car over and stayed for dinner and storytime.
I was so impressed, he read Greg a bunch of books for over 20 minutes while I cleaned the kitchen. It was great! He never sits still for that long when I read.

Some cute shots in the yard. He just keeps going and going.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A party with presents AND cake. Plus a bonus ride in the cardboard box. Oh happy days.

Greg had his first chocolate chip
cookie and managed to smear it
everywhere, especially his toes.

Little boy who loves to sweep, mop, and has an intense fascination with the vacuum.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Happy 1st Birthday Greg!

Playtime at Chuck E Cheese's


More fun with the wagon, "look mom I can push and pull it myself now"

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Here is a picture of the frog that was living in Greg's inflatable pool. I was about to clean it out after the rain this week and saw this fella swimming around. I decided it would be cruel to just dump him out and Aaron was at work so the man who came to buy Jen's old air conditioners was kind enough to grab the frog, put him in a mason jar (with a cover) and Greg and I brought the frog to the pond across the street.

Playing at the Mississippi Regional Park in Minneapolis. What a great place!

At the Minnesota Zoo with Mitchell.

Fun in a Box

Messy meal at Great Grandma Lil's

So after seeing Emery crawling in the activity table Greg decided to go even further. He crawled in and stood up. "Look mom no hands" is a phrase I anticipate in the future.

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